Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Not a poem: on Trump v Cruz

The Trump panic on much of the left and on the supposedly more serious and responsible sectors of the right obscures (maybe intentionally on the right) rather than illuminates the essential truth: that Trump's political rise is merely the natural culmination of decades of Republican rhetoric. Ignorance is a virtue, bluster is strength, and prejudice is righteous. His ascent is greatly abetted by the well paired mingling of alleged Republican values with our ever cheapening commercial culture, of which he's an accomplished purveyor.

Cruz is more dangerous than Trump, and his presidency would probably be more disastrous than a Trump administration. This has been my stance on that smug Canadian/Texan lawyer from the beginning of this campaign and former President Carter recently said as much. Trump speaks the long-standing GOP talking points, unvarnished. But unlike a lot of those loons, it's unlikely he believes half this shit.

Of course Donald Trump is utterly unqualified, and even more vile.


- "Solo?"
- "So very."