Saturday, June 27, 2020

Farmingly They Went

Farmingly they went about planning the architecture of distribution.

Egalitarian detour.

Then it came down to business.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

OT 06/25(2)0(2)0

There I was, minding my own business - well, I was on a case, tailing a lead, but otherwise minding my own business - when this unrepentant hottie walks up from the other side of my café au lait and drops this news on me:
– The cops already cracked it."

The cops, the cops I think. They would crack it all wrong, and worse they'd crack it further.
– The cops?" I ask

– Did I say cops?" smiles the hottie. – I meant the company." and with that, is gone.

The company, the company I think. Not the company I keep, though. Not in ages. This was not the case I thought I was on. I don't know what I was on, and that I suddenly knew. Something in the café. Did the hottie drop it in there, while dropping the news? Or was that a fair warning, and if so… then who?

I had to get on my feet, into my transport, and out of there while I still could. Surely my apprehension would give way to being apprehended if I could not elude that couple in the shade; that was clear to see, they were a bit on the nose, strictly central casting in mountain time. I headed, counter to my nature and placing my moniker in bright relief, lurchingly into the sun. Overcoat Thrust, the world's detective, for all to see.

I was trained to combat such effects introduced into my natural system. Trained by the company. The training stuck. It was awakened now, long dormant. I brought it forth thru a trick of focus, and the result took me from the border of the witching hour to the reins of high noon in a few increasingly confident steps. No longer did I need strive for the escape of my transport. I turned assuredly toward the couple from across the courtyard and pulled back the shade. They withered and shrieked. Devils.

Whoever tried to giving me the slip only to slip me something had devils in their employ. Devils work cheap, when you've got 'em where you want 'em. But I went one better. I had them exactly where I needed them be. They were beholden to my beckoning now. The cloven game was afoot.

All This Social Distancing

All this social distancing clears the way for some emotional vacuuming.

not a poem: On Patrol

The best comic book-to-screen adaptation of 2019 was not the serviceable Avengers Endgame. It certainly wasn’t the overrated, self-congratulatory, uncredited King of Comedy remake about some Joker, nor was it the surprisingly enjoyable Spider-Man: Far From Home. It wasn’t even on the big screen at all. It was clearly HBO’s Watchmen. I had many a good reason to despise it (see crooked history of publisher's treatment of the authorial rights, and long list of horrible adaptations of Alan Moore and his stance on them), but it was great - especially the first half or so. Much has been written about that show.

Second best was another small screen DC property, Doom Patrol. No live action show or even movie has been as willing and able to be as insanely creative and off the wall, yet deeply character driven, wild, and zany as the best of mainstream meta / super / action comics can be. Doom Patrol likely had this opportunity by virtue of being created for a streaming service aimed directly at fans of the source medium. Guardians certainly pulled this all off too, to an extent, but the one hour weekly installment format of this TV franchise is much more analogous to a comic book run than a feature length film is. Also, when after ten years as THE box office behemoth Marvel / Disney was still just teasing whether Carol Danvers and/or Valkyrie maybe like the ladies (or, guess at a guy or two) this show has been unabashedly queer.

Catch up on season one, if you’re interested. Looks like season two has commenced.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Is this what I think

Is this what I think it is?" asked the mhystical elf, "If it is I'm gonna be ashamed of myself."

 – No, no, it'snothinglikethat " said the twerp faced punk, "It's just your royalty check."