Friday, December 25, 2015

the Christly Saint Within Ensconces

a new writer is in the employ of the enemy. almost always is. the cold mountain air ate through the turncoat. the time to wasted time ratio was irrelevant. it was about the next installment. they made you listen in, was the theme. the how to, the basics at least. after this you were qualified to inundate the masses with masquerades of nature. after this you were licensed. just a nicety.

even morning when sleeping he yawned. he yawned, if morning. like the others, almost them all. one night he yawned too.
there was strife in the evening. how could they yawn at that, the lot of them?
how. they, did is how.

- one collection jar
- an outreach attorney
- a screen treatment

there was also the issue of nutrition. you’re still all human, of course/\

only the warmth of the beast’s belly will do for clothing, wherein no shelter is needed.

it comes at the price of a small bit of your decorum.

at the academy, upon training the others - taking a wife - conquering windstorms - they again the lot of the them succumbed to the sequel. it’s tied up in litigation to this day.

some rumored plot lines follow

* the christly saint within ensconces
* clean water supplies for the hope of all people
^ great reduction in cost [re: production values] - deducted from the hue

^ {this being a fair target for debate.

CHApter tw0 the CAPS lOcK
2, 1

cHa3 }}}

sweet syrup replaced the water . people were immune by then. but still.

cHa4 }}}}

place your hand into the sunset.

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