Saturday, September 16, 2017

i saw someone my senior

i saw someone my senior
so senior they no longer had a race
their skin had become like a mirror
their hair the branches of an old growth tree
first growth, from when our planet was young.

they asked, had I ever celebrated a holiday? had i ever had an orgasm? had i ever been in love?
i said, yes, many times. & yes many times. & yes.

“Take us into that shade there, which is my death shall finally come.”
but this made me sad, so i selfishly left them to linger and live in the lacerating light
which their deathless flesh, forever fracturing into endless facets and fractals, reflects so brightly
i now trade the glow at great profit
as a renewable source
of power.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Petunia, Skull Fractures

Intrinsic petunia,
skull fractures and faint scars,
the worms endeavor between them,
or we burn in fire.

Hellbent on Holiness

hellbent on holiness
the demon’s guide to bliss
published in a battlefield on a tablet of sand
and here i am, hungry.

hungry for the robbery, the shameful deprivation
with a sweet tooth for sorrow
and a flair for fusion cuisine, she said.

She said so much, she said as much that is to say.
She said:
 ~ flair
She said:
 ~ abyss

Flair for the hungry who thrive on a lie; that is: a way with them.
and to where?

i've always been fascinated by nature

i've always been fascinated by nature. Zarminian said.
no on believed him they'd met him before.
At the tileworks between shifts he tortured the hired labor./

Kentingington was quick with a quip. The Nameless Sombrero was silent,
taking it all in. The Cat in the Cap and the Chap in the Bowler were also surveillance.

came in

Two Ukranians and someone of Another Ethnicity.

{this was a small
but} they were enough to tackle Zarminian.
{some were loyal to cause}
some betrayed us to Zarminian

