Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Nurse Dima

Ages ago a lady and I were planning for international travel and shots were in order.

The charming vaccinating nurse swooned for what she saw between us, which she named boldly and unhesitatingly. There was nothing indecorous in her manner– her flirtation sweet and innocent, stemming from earnest wonderment as she momentarily bemoaned her own solitary lot. 

Wanting to know how we met, then fantasizing impractically about placing herself into the same situation because –starry-eyed and gazing–  “I’d be happy with someone like either of you…”

“Oh, Nurse Dima!” we both exhaled exaltedly, once out the door, a touch astonished and just perhaps more than a wee bit smitten.

Wishing vaccination and love to that fine practitioner of the medical arts, wherever and whoever she is.

You all, too.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Overheard on walk:

man– "I didn't think you were going to kill it and throw it away, okay!?"

woman– "I told you I would."

Thursday, July 2, 2020

I Wrote A Scandal

I wrote a scandal and passed it off as a memoir.

The reviews were horny.

The paste-up posters proliferated, on barricades and online.

The sweet sound of secess was burglarizing the airwaves,

and the new Miss America soared through them 'til they carried her song.