Wednesday, May 13, 2020

seeks battle armoire

.– former nudist seeks battle armoire against coming apocalypse –.

"'"We may not make it past the first row of demons; they sure as Hell ain't getting Pastus,"'" said one of the many other formal nudists– this one formerly close to the star.

they settled on spandex, for they va;lued their agility above all else. Mouths, ears, and such were fitted with a special alloy. The eyes, per custom, were visored.

tHey moved ahead with grace.


two: a moment for love

The demons needn't ready. They were mere creations for the task at H.A.N.D. And so, at H.A.N.D. Headquarters - in the lull in the shadows of the flickering clouds - the demons had a moment for love.


~3*~* last flicker of the cloud *~*~

H.A.N.D. HEAD, the lead demon, held the globe in the palm of their head. It fit just right, for their head housed the sun.



Horsemen precluded the battle.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


it wasn’t much further than going into the yard, but did i bother? 

Her new omen was false, i could not share in her pride.

We had a job to do. How dare her, with the jokes? Zs were the enemy, didn’t she realise?  Thesze were the enemies, 

Monday, May 4, 2020

folds in

What a nightmare when
 one moment
 the bright side folds all in on itself.