Sunday, June 23, 2013

academinotes {2011}

I might make a bad viual arts teacher- because I’m over painting’s fundamnetal flaw of tiime  and quickly finished in museums. urn

barbr krgr
cindy shrmn - because of prfrmtv aspect, though i hate her inclusion
yoko ono - bcus she does all

bill viola
komar and melamid
jeff koons because he’s a joke

my favorite visual artists are friends of mine

i'm too enamored of art to fixate on culture. context is king only for art that is somewhat lacking

i like the idea of getting it all wrong viewing art and still getting a lot out of it, by being active viewer

"That was all new to cinema, but as none of us really knew how to do any different, it didn't feel like a risk." - Raoul Coutard

i'm impressed by cave drawing, by lady gaga's shoes, by the arrow in the fedex logo

i don’t see distinction between hi & lo art, just intense or weak art. weak art bores me

i just as soon look at a hipgnosis album cover or an impressive menu than almost any painting made before the 19th century
i like how doucet abandoned her art
one of my favortie visual artists ever is a comic book artist. he;s bold & inventive. that;s rare

  i like kirby bettr than lichstn & bttr than the hollywood rapists
hollywood the most popular intrdsplnry art
i see in my job what art mostly is- it’s total compromise if you want to live off it.  But hollywood does occasionally merge art with profit. It’s also hype. The poster I’ve been working on for hot book blockbuster has ‘leaked’ online, is it a real leak? is it just hype? Aren’t the great artists of the past hype? at least some of them? did they have good PR?
only diversity I care about is divrsty of individual
we’re not taking about reality; we’re talking about art
I don't have interest in art that is identified by its racial or gender afiliation. i think it’s prosaic inherently, and not poetic. dntbelieve in racial / gender pride- it's no more deserverd than shame
it's missplaced like positive stereotypes

mockery as child did not cause me to feel I should be proud of myanymore than I should be while knowing I shouldnt be ashamed

should not feel pride of language & democracy and the trojan horse, anymore than shame in their disastrous military coup in cyprus.  every generation is new and while the past is important,and nothing is original , nothing is as special as the fantasy of uniqueness in the arts

what classes are these exactly, anyway?  my real emphasis as artist is a performer, and how the visual supports that,  from my face on outward

I think painting is an urn full of yesterday. unfortunately more like the inside of the urn, not even the outside, and shows you no glimpse of life. stuck in time.  because time & the moment are the greatest thing in art.  I don't want to read a novel because the world may end before i'm done. this is a fast world. I want succint art that gets to me yet allows for more inspection if I have time. yet I still wanna watch the empire state building for eight hours if i ever get the chance because t hat will halt time , abuse it even. but painting doesn't readily allow for maniuplation of time. yet video art is ugly, if you can see the screen. installations can do it

there's some graffitti of warhol, too.

there's beutfl mntns & an empty billboard outside my window on world famous Sunset Blvd, for days now. this is unheard of.  they always are in use. instead it's actually wrapped in white canvas. I want to keep it that way. you might think i'd want to go out there and cover it with my own work, or encourage students to cover it with theirs. But, this world is full of visual clutter, and I wouldn't want any so-called artist putting up art there unless it was hot.  I'd rather have more advertising that I can easily ignore, I don't want art that I can ignore. All we have time for in my view is art that blows yer mind -hi, low, visual, American, foreign- there's some innate element that makes art good or bad, other details be damned.  I know it when I see it, even if I don't understand it.  Knowing whether art is good or bad is better than understanding it. A guy I knew could play the horn, and he thought Kenny G was better than Coltrane. I can't play the horn, but I sure know better than that. I don't know how to pass this 'eye' of mine onto students, if you're interested in giving me a shot that will be my prime objective.

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